Professional summary

Here is a summary of my professional experience. Check curriculum vitae (CV) for full details.

Current projects

Dromedary camel metagenomics: Microbiome profiling of dromedary camels of Kenya to detect bacteria and viruses that are present.


  • Bioinformatics analysis and consultation in the genomics of Doum palm project. Publication: Doum Palm genomics
  • Bioinformatics consulting in the RNA-Seq Analysis of Macrophytes in response to Ammonium nitrogen stress project. Publication: Submerged macrophytes transcriptomics
  • Soil metagenomics project analysis and consultation (On-going)

Past projects

I have worked on various research projects and programs in different capacities, including as a project coordinator, project manager, data analyst, and research assistant. My specific contributions to each project are detailed in my curriculum vitae. Below is a list of these projects:

  • Phenotypic and morphometric differentiation of indigenous chickens from Kenya and other tropical countries augments perspectives for genetic resource improvement and conservation (2016)
  • Genetic Evidence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-Cov) and Widespread Seroprevalence among Camels in Kenya (2017).
  • Molecular detection of viruses in Kenyan bats and discovery of novel astroviruses, caliciviruses and rotaviruses (2016).
  • Genomic and Pathogenic Characteristics of Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus Isolated from Chicken in Live Bird Markets and Backyard Flocks in Kenya (2020).
  • Directed Breeding Programs for Improved Poultry Livestock by Genetic Bioinformatics Research and Development (BIRD) in Kenya (2022).


Below is a list of workshops that I played a key role in organizing:

  • Genome-Wide Association Studies in Human and Agricultural Biotechnology Workshop (2022). Organized by Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya and Hasselt University, Belgium.
  • Introduction to R programming for biologists (2024). Organized by Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya and Hasselt University, Belgium.